CONQUERing Founder Tammy Nelson on Inspiration & Possibilities—Plus Dreams of Broadway

CONQUERing Founder Tammy Nelson on Inspiration & Possibilities—Plus Dreams of Broadway

Kuel Life founder Jacqueline Perez has built an online community based on the collective power of women. Her mission is powerful and crucial: she uses her platform to share expert advice and stories from real women, feature products BY women FOR women, and to provide a place for women to come together and share their unique experiences and voices. 

The Kuel Life mission is definitely one we can get behind—and so we were thrilled to have CONQUERing founder Tammy Nelson featured on Jacqueline's Share Your Story series. In her interview, Tammy shares what most influenced her in her quest to become an entrepreneur and how she approaches getting older. She also reveals what's on her bucket list, including her current project to bring a new musical to Broadway!

Tammy Nelson"I guess I always thought getting older would be less fun than being younger, but I actually haven’t found that to be true at all. It’s all about perspective and embracing the present. Just as with kids, each new age has new challenges, but, if we open our eyes to them — awesome new opportunities, as well."

- Tammy


Read Tammy's interview at The Kuel Life here, and while you're at it, check out the awesome women-made products at The Kuehl Life store