Finding Comfort With Red Mookaite

Person fixing guitar strap wearing red mookaite fidget ring

Red Mookaite is a type of Australian Jasper. Each stone has a unique swirling pattern that contains reds, yellows, grays, and purples. 

Red Mookaite has its own healing properties, associations, and alignments that can help you determine if it is the right crystal for you. 

This post is to help you better understand your new Red Mookaite ring. If you are looking for more information about all crystals, check out our Crystals 101 guide

Red Mookaite Grounding Properties

Red Mookaite is known for its grounding properties. 

Many believe this crystal can help us get in touch with Mother Earth. It is also known for its ability to bring peace and harmony during stressful situations. It is also believed to help increase feelings of self-worth, enhance your decision making skills, and bring you back to the present. 

If you feel like you’ve been spending a lot of time dwelling on the past or stressing about the future, Red Mookaite just might be the right crystal for you. 

Red Mookaite is associated with:

  • Youthfulness
  • Comfort
  • Awareness
  • Grounding

It is through these associations that the crystal is appreciated for. If you are looking to start living more in the moment, Red Mookaite could be great to try out. If you are experiencing some stressful tensions with friends or loved ones, you might try this crystal to bring peace to the situation. 

Red Mookaite is primarily aligned with the root chakra. If you feel like things in your life have been lacking stability or you’re yearning for some more security, your root chakra might be out of alignment. If this is the case, it is believed that Red Mookaite can help realign this chakra, leaving you feeling more secure than before.

Cleansing Your Red Mookaite

Crystals are incredibly susceptible to the energies they are surrounded with. This means that during shipping and handling, your element could have come into contact with negative energy. 

To make sure that you’re starting off with a well-balanced crystal, you will want to partake in one of the following methods to cleanse your element of negative energy. 

One method that can be used to cleanse Red Mookaite is to run it under water for a few minutes. It is preferred that a natural water source is used for this but if you don’t have access to one, bottled spring water or the water from your tap will suffice. Make sure that you completely dry your element with a soft cloth before you begin using it. 

Another method of cleansing your element is to place it in soil for a day. Since this element is closely aligned with Mother Earth, putting it in soil helps to rebalance it with positive energy. This could be done by burying it in the soil outside your house or placing it in a plant holder that has soil. 

Another method of cleansing is to burn sage and circle the element in its smoke. This could be done by burning a bundle of sage or sage incense. 

You will want to make sure that you engage with one of these methods every few months to recharge your crystal with positive energy. If you notice your element is appearing cloudy or dirty, this could mean it’s time to cleanse it of negative energy it might have accumulated.

Begin To Heal With Red Mookaite

Now that your element is charged with positive energy, you’re probably wondering how you actually use it. 

The first step to using any crystal is to keep an open mind about its abilities. If you’re skeptical of crystal healing, you might hinder your element’s powers. 

The next step is to set an intention for your element. Your intention should be specific and related to the above associations and healing properties so you can get the most use out of your element. 

For Red Mookaite, you might try setting an intention of letting go of the past and accepting what happens in the future to help you focus on the present. You could also try setting an intention of staying grounded through stressful times that are coming up to help you maintain peace of mind. 

Once you’ve decided what your intention will be, hold your element in your hand and speak that intention into it a few times. This helps to solidify the intention in your mind and charges the crystal with your intended usage. When you wear the element, keep your intention in mind and make decisions that align with that intention.

Gain Peace With Red Mookaite

Two people eating snacks wearing red mookaite fidget ring

Now that you know what your Red Mookaite element is believed to do, it’s time to start changing your approach to life. 

If you enjoy your Red Mookaite element, consider checking out our full crystal collection to see what other crystals you can incorporate into your life. 

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