Crystals & Their Corresponding Chakras

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The Crown Chakra
The Crown chakra is known for allowing the body to feel more at east. Often used for relaxation and to gain a clear-headed mindset. This energy controls your connection to spirit, unity, and universal consciousness.
Amethyst, Kunzite, Moonstone, Clear Quartz
The Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye chakra is associated with the concept of "seeing." It is believed that it allows for positive attitudes, inner guidance and spiritual growth.
Sodalite, Labradorite, Amethyst, Moonstone
The Throat Chakra
The Throat chakra is connected to the idea of inspiration and expression. Often utilized for balance in life, mindful communication and self-expression.
Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Labradorite, Gray Shell
The Heart Chakra
The Heart chakra is associated with the ideas of positive neutrality, nature, unconditional love and harmonious relationships.
African Jade, Moss Agate, Amazonite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus chakra is linked with internal and external power. Known for maintaining energy and strength throughout the body.
Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Crazy Jasper, Tiger's Eye
The Sacral Chakra
The Sacral chakra is believed to enhance creative expression, increase intuition and create healthy emotions.
Carnelian, Mookaite, Tiger's Eye, Picture Jasper
The Root Chakra
The Root chakra is known for the feeling of grounding and safety. It is associated with the feelings of relaxation, stability and confidence.
Mookaite, Dalmation Jasper, Smokey Quartz, Black Picasso Jasper, Onyx