Person wearing crystal fidget jewelry

Fearless Aries


Three friends wearing silver fidget rings

Many believe that zodiac signs can tell us a lot about our personalities, our compatibility with other people, and what our unique strengths are that can help us conquer our days. 

If you are into astrology like us, you probably already what your sign is and are searching for more information on how it could potentially dictate your personality.

In fact, we have an entire collection of star sign fidget jewelry that feature the symbols of all twelve zodiac signs. 

For this post, we are going to be focusing specifically on Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. We'll answer questions you might have about the sign like: 

  • What is Aries' birth months?
  • What kind of person is an Aries?
  • What is an Aries weakness?
  • Who is an Aries' soulmate? Rival?

What is Aries' Birth Month? 

If you're new to astrology, you might not know what your star sign is. To determine what your star sign is, you'll need to know which star sign's date range your birthday falls between. 

Aries' birth months are March and April. If you were born between March 21st and April 20th, you are an Aries! The symbol of Aries is the ram. Aries is a fire sign which explains the fierce passion and ambition that an Aries possesses. 

This sign is ruled by Mars, which also contributes to the personality traits that an Aries might exhibit, which we will discuss in the next section.

What Kind of Person is an Aries?

Two people wearing silver fidget rings

There are many personality traits that are associated with Aries and determine the kind of person they are. Some of those traits are strengths while others can be seen as weaknesses. 

Some of an Aries' personality traits that can be seen as strengths are: 

  • Fearlessness. An Aries is never afraid to take a risk if it means they'll get the best experiences out of life. Their fearlessness tends to make them great leaders because they are willing to take charge and make decisions for a group. 
  • Motivation. Aries' are also known for being extremely motivated. Especially when they feel passionate about something, they do what they need to do to achieve their goals. 
  • Upbeat and positive. The Aries star sign tends to view life through a 'glass half-full' lens. Their positivity is contagious and can make anyone's day brighter. They truly have a talent of finding the good in every situation they're put in. 

On the other hand, there are also personality traits that can be seen as weaknesses. An Aries' weaknesses can be: 

  • Lack of patience. Their need to get things done and immediately take action typically means they also struggle with patience. Especially when there isn't any sense of urgency, Aries have a hard time taking a step back and slowing down their decision-making process. 
  • Stubbornness. Since they're used to be in leadership positions and being the primary decision-makers, it can be hard for an Aries to stray from their viewpoint or let other people take charge. This can be seen as stubbornness from an outsider. 
  • Impulsivity. With an Aries' fearlessness also comes an Aries' impulsivity. Aries don't always think before they act, especially if it means they might miss out on an opportunity to live life to the fullest. 

These personality traits also can help determine who an Aries' soulmate, and rival, might be. 

Who is an Aries' Soulmate and Rival?

The personality traits that define all twelve signs of the zodiac can also determine which signs are compatible and incompatible with one another. 

Soulmates. Air signs and fire signs tend to get along very well. Gemini, which is an air sign, is especially compatible with Aries. Both signs have a whimsical nature to them and like to be spontaneous. The have complementary differences which leads to high compatibility. 

Rivals. Since Aries tend to be highly driven and like to take charge, they struggle to get along with other signs that are highly driven and like to take charge. Specifically, Capricorns and Aries experience a lot of tension. Funnily enough, they actually have a lot in common when it comes to motivation. The power struggle between the two signs is really what ends up being their downfall. 

What Fidget Jewelry Should Aries' Wear?

Based on everything we've learned about Aries, we hand selected a few designs that would be perfect for an Aries:

  • Aries symbol. The most obvious choice of jewelry for a Gemini is the ram or the Aries constellation
  • PROVE THEM WRONG. The PROVE THEM WRONG Element symbolizes an Aries unwillingness to let others stop them from doing what they want. These natural born leaders are driven by proving people wrong. 
  • FEAR LESS. Unsurprisingly, the FEAR LESS Element is our next choice for an Aries. Fearlessness is one of the strengths that the star sign possesses—this fidget element shows that fear is never an obstacle when it comes to living life to the fullest. 
  • BE BOLD. Nothing symbolizes an Aries more than being bold. The BE BOLD Element is a way for the Aries star sign to be loud and proud about who they are. 
  • Carnelian Crystal. The Carnelian Crystal Element is associated with courage, leadership, and motivation. Wearing this crystal is believed to amplify the existing traits an Aries has. 

Aries Star Sign

We adore the traits that an Aries exhibits. Even if your birthday doesn’t fall within the range to make you an Aries, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be bold and live life to the fullest. 

Take a lesson from your Aries friends and follow your passions and ambitions. Take that contagious optimistic energy into your own life!

Check out the rest of our zodiac posts to find your zodiac sign and see what designs we recommend for you.


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