Person that is a Gemini wearing fidget jewelry

Intellectually Curious Gemini

People in polaroids with fidget jewelry on top

Zodiac signs are believed to influence our personality traits, compatibility with other people, and unique strengths to help us conquer our days. 

If you’re into astrology like us, you probably already know what your sign is and are interested in how it influences you as a person. We have an entire collection of fidget jewelry with the symbols and constellations that represent all twelve signs of the zodiac. 

For this post, we will specifically be focusing on Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac. We'll answer questions you might have about the sign like: 

  • What is a Gemini's personality? 
  • What is a Gemini's weakness?
  • Who is a Gemini's soulmate? Worst match? 
  • What a Gemini's symbol is? 

Whose Star Sign is Gemini?

If you're new to astrology, you might not know what your star sign is. To determine what your star sign is, you'll need to see which star sign's date range your birthday falls between. 

If you were born between May 22nd and June 21st, you are a Gemini! The symbol of Gemini is the celestial twins. Gemini is an air sign which helps explain the intellectual curiosity and creativity that is exhibited by people with this sign. 

This sign is ruled by Mercury, which also contributes to the personality traits that a Gemini might possess, which we will discuss in the next section.

What is Gemini's Personality? 

Two friends holding hands wearing fidget jewelry

There are many personality traits that are believed to be associated with Geminis. As with any personality trait, some of them are strengths while others are weaknesses. 

Some of a Geminis personality traits that can be seen as strengths are: 

  • Creative and innovative. Geminis are always thinking outside of the box and challenging themselves to come up with new ways of doing things. Their intellectual curiosity is admirable and enables them to be inventive. 
  • Social butterflies. Geminis can talk to anyone about anything. They are genuinely interested in learning everything about new people they meet. Their natural extroversion also makes them great communicators.
  • Energetic. Their desire to constantly grow and learn tends to make them energetic. Geminis are constantly moving and never allow fear to get in the way of doing what they want. Spending time with Geminis will leave you feeling energized and ready to try new things. 

Other personality traits could be seen as weaknesses. A Geminis weaknesses might be: 

  • Indecisive. Their energy and need to constantly be doing things can lead to a Gemini being indecisive at times. It can be hard for them to make a decision because their mind is constantly racing. 
  • Spreading themselves thin. Their extroverted nature can get them into trouble sometimes. Geminis tend to overbook themselves and commit to doing more things than they're capable of handling in a day. This can lead to burn out or to people believing they're unreliable.
  • Tendency to exaggerate. Geminis LOVE a good story. Their talkative nature tends to grab the attention of the people around them. Sometimes, they have exaggerate or stretch the truth when they're telling stories, which can rub people the wrong way. 

These personality traits also can help determine who a Gemini is compatible, and incompatible, with. 

Who is a Gemini's Soulmate and Worst Match? 

It is believed that zodiac signs can influence who a person is compatible with and who they might not get along with. 

Soulmates. In general, air signs and fire signs tend to get along. Specifically, Gemini and Aries get along very well. They both have a whimsical nature to them and like to be spontaneous. Their different personality traits complement each other well, leading to high compatibility. 

Rivals. On the other hand, air signs and water signs can have a bit of tension between them at times. Specifically, Gemini and Cancer tend to be incompatible. Cancers are natural homebodies while Geminis need to be out and about. The ways they choose to live their lives are entirely too different to feel drawn to one another.

What Fidget Jewelry Should Geminis Wear?

Based on everything we've shared in this post, we hand selected a few designs that would be perfect for a Gemini: 

  • Gemini symbol. The most obvious choice of jewelry for a Gemini is the celestial twins or the Gemini constellation
  • The Moon & Stars. The Moon & Stars Flip Element represents the duality of Geminis. They can go from chatting someone up at a party to spending hours researching their new interests. 
  • DREAM BIG. The DREAM BIG Element is a reminder to Geminis to always follow their creative urges. Geminis frequently deal with people telling them their ideas aren't realistic—this element empowers this star sign to block those criticisms out. 
  • GOOD VIBES. The GOOD VIBES Element represents their extroverted nature! Geminis are the life of the party and can liven any room they walk into. 
  • Dalmatian Jasper. The Dalmatian Jasper Crystal Element has healing properties and associations that align with the star sign's personality. Dalmatian Jasper is associated with joy, playfulness, and laughter.

Gemini Star Sign

We adore the traits that a Gemini exhibits. Even if your birthday doesn’t fall within the range to make you a Gemini, that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative and extroverted. 

Take a lesson from your Gemini friends and dream big. Take their infectious energy and start chasing your passions. 

Check out the rest of our zodiac posts to find your zodiac sign and see what designs we recommend for you. 

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