Zodiac signs are believed to influence a person’s personality, their compatibility with others, and their unique talents that can help them conquer their days.
All of our designs are influenced by the attributes that make a person who they are. This is part of the reason that zodiac signs are so fascinating to us—the belief that they make up the very attributes we’ve studied to create our designs is remarkable.
If you're into astrology like we are, you probably already know what your sign is and want to know more about how it could influence your personality.
For this post, we will be specifically focusing on Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac. We'll answer questions you might have about the Sagittarius star sign like:
- What are Sagittarius birth dates?
- What is the personality of a Sagittarius?
- What are a Sagittarius' strengths and weaknesses?
- Who is a Sagittarius' soulmate? Worst match?
What are Sagittarius Birth Dates?
If you're new to astrology, you might not know what your star sign is. To determine what your star sign is, you'll need to know which star sign's date range your birthday falls between.
Sagittarius' birth months are November and December. If you were born between November 23rd and December 22nd, you are a Sagittarius! The symbol of Sagittarius is the archer. The archer is constantly traveling and on the move, explaining the desire to explore exhibited by this sign.
Sagittarius is a fire sign, which explains their passion and curiosity. Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter which also influences the need to explore. It is the combination of these components that make Sagittarius what it is and influences the characteristics a person of this sign might exhibit.
What is the Personality of a Sagittarius?

There are many personality traits that are associated with Sagittarius and influence the kind of person they are. Some of those traits are strengths while others can be seen as weaknesses.
Some of the personality traits of a Sagittarius that can be viewed as strengths are:
- Thrill-seekers. Sagittarius' are known for being thrill-seekers. They are always thinking about their next adventure. Whether it’s hiking a mountain range, swimming in the ocean, or zip lining through a rainforest, the Sagittarius star sign will do what it takes to fulfill the need for thrills.
- Passionate. Another Sagittarius trait is extreme passion. They tend to feel passionate about a lot of things in their lives and will give a lot of attention to pursuing those passions.
- Adaptable. A Sagittarius strength is adaptability—this sign tends to be pretty easy-going and doesn't mind if plans switch up at the last minute
On the other hand, some of a Sagittarius' personality traits can be seen as weaknesses. Sagittarius weaknesses are:
- Hyper-fixation. While being passionate is a very positive thing, it also means that Sagittarius' tend to hyper-fixate on their passions. This means they might not get their priorities accomplished and can alter plans if they stand in the way of their passions.
- Bluntness. Our Sagittarius friends do not hold back from sharing their opinions. They tend to just say what they're thinking which can be jarring when you first meet them. After a while, you'll find that their honest is actually very refreshing.
- Inconsistent. While this never comes from a malicious place, a Sagittarius weakness is inconsistency. Because of their hyper-fixations and need to seek out adventure, they sometimes forget about plans and promises they made to others.
These personality traits also influence who a Sagittarius is compatible, and incompatible, with.
Who is a Sagittarius' Soulmate and Worst Match?
All twelve signs of the zodiac have distinct personality traits that influence which signs are compatible and incompatible with one another.
Soulmates. When it comes to compatibility, Aries would be the sign that we see having soulmate potential. Aries and Sagittarius share passion and adventure as personality traits. An Aries would always be down to join a Sagittarius on their next adventure and will return the high-levels of passion a Sagittarius will show them.
Worst match. On the other hand, Scorpios tend to be incompatible with a Sagittarius. Scorpios like their time alone and value their privacy. A Sagittarius' instinct to share whatever's on their mind all the time tends to be a massive turn-off for the Scorpio that never overshares.
What Fidget Jewelry Should a Sagittarius Wear?
Based on a Sagittarius' personality traits, we hand selected the below designs that we think truly represent a Sagittarius star sign:
- Sagittarius symbol. The most obvious choice of jewelry for a Sagittarius is the archer or the Sagittarius constellation.
- Compass symbol. The next design we chose for a Sagittarius is the compass symbol. A compass represents all the places a Sagittarius has been and will go in their life. Whenever they look at their fidget jewelry, they will be comforted by all of the exploring they've done and still have to do.
- GOOD VIBES. The GOOD VIBES Element represents the natural optimism that a Sagittarius possesses. Sagittarius is the physical embodiment of "glass half-full energy."
- EXPLORE. Unsurprisingly, the EXPLORE Element was also one of our top choices for the Sagittarius star sign. It represents the drive for this sign to acquire new knowledge—they aren't always itching to explore somewhere new. They also want to explore new ideas, new perspectives, and new topics that open their world view.
- Sodalite Crystal. Finally, we chose one of our crystals that we think aligns really well with Sagittarius' personality. The Sodalite Crystal Element is associated with rationality, honesty, intelligence, truthfulness, and clarity.
Sagittarius Star Sign
We are truly in awe of the characteristics that a Sagittarius possesses. Even if your birthday doesn’t fall in the range to make you a Sagittarius, that doesn’t mean you can’t be adventurous or want to explore the world.
There is something to be learned from our Sagittarius friends—being optimistic and flexible can take you on the best unexpected journeys imaginable.
Check out the rest of our zodiac posts to find your zodiac sign and see what designs we recommend for you.
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