Halloween is the one time a year that you can dress up and be whatever you want to be. It's the perfect time to tap into your creativity and express your personality!
Every year, it feels like the holiday creeps up, leaving so many of us scrambling to figure out the perfect costume to wow our friends.
This year, we thought we would help out! We put together this blog post that suggests a costume based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (born between March 21st and April 20th) are great leaders! They are highly motivated and incredibly passionate about the things they care about. Aries also tend to be very upbeat and positive—they are the perfect friend to cheer you up when you've had a tough day.
Aries also tend to be fearless. They are willing to take risks and put themselves out here. They want to get the most out of life as possible, which is why they make such bold choices.
With these traits in mind, we recommend that this fire sign should dress up as a cheerleader for Halloween! You can take this idea many different directions. You could be a traditional cheerleader, coming up with your own Halloween-themed chant to get any party hyped up. You could choose to be a goth cheerleader and put a creepy twist on the costume.
To put this costume together, you'll want to get a skirt (you could take some friends and go thrifting to find the perfect skirt), a tank top, high-knee socks, gym shoes, and pom poms to complete this look. Adding butterfly clips or a bow to your hair that match the colors of the rest of your outfit would be an adorable addition to elevate the costume.
Taurus (born between April 21st and May 21st) are resilient. They can be cautious at times, especially when entering new friendships/relationships, because they want to protect themselves from potentially getting hurt.
However, once you gain the trust of a Taurus, you have a friend for life. They are incredibly dependable and fully loyal to the people they love. They also are unapologetically themselves. They aren't afraid to admit that they love a good pampering day and don't care what people think of them.
With all this in mind, we think a cat would be a perfect costume for a Taurus. Cats have so much personality and a careless attitude that so many of us find incredibly charming. Cats also can take some time to warm up to new people, but when they do, they will forever stick by your side.
The basics of this costume are cat ears, a tail, and super-fun cat-like makeup. You can decide what type of cat you want to be! Will you be a black cat (the staple of Halloween) or mix things up and go as a Calico. You could even decide to be an orange cat, or dress up to look like your own cat.
Geminis (born between May 22nd and June 21st) tends to be very creative. This sign is revered for its intellectual curiosity that inevitably sparks great innovation.
Geminis are also known for being social butterflies. They are very extroverted and can energize any room they enter. You'll find yourself talking to a Gemini for hours about everything you're passionate about. They know how to make you feel seen and how to keep a conversation going.
With all of this in mind, we thought a skeleton would be a great option as a costume for a Gemini. At first glance, you might think skeletons have nothing to do with the sign. That's where we disagree. You can get so creative with a skeleton costume. You could do intricate face makeup, decide to make an anatomically-correct costume, or even experiment with some glow in the dark features.
If anyone can pull off a cool skeleton costume that will be the talk of the party, it's going to be a Gemini. Bonus points if you wear your new Skull Vessel Element!

Cancer (born June 22nd and July 22nd) is quite the compassionate sign. They are known for their empathy and for really making the people they love feel seen.
This water sign is also very intuitive. They can read a room in an instant and always trust what their gut is telling them. Cancers will go to great lengths for the people they love. Whether it be standing up for you, or anticipating your every need, you can always count on a Cancer to be there for you.
With these traits in mind, we think cupid would be the perfect costume for a Cancer! Since Cancers are so intuitive, they would be able to get a really solid read on on the people they talk to. Based on the conclusions you draw about people, you can pair people you think would make a good match!
To make this costume, you'll need a red outfit (could be a dress, skirt and top, pants and top, etc), a halo, angel wings, and a heart bow-and-arrow. You could make your own halo using an old headband, a stick, and pipe cleaners!
The more heart-elements you add, the better. You can wear heart-shaped sunglasses, incorporate hearts into your makeup, and even wear a heart-shaped element (we recommend the Hot Pink Glitter Heart).
Leo (born between July 23rd and August 22nd) is a very dramatic zodiac sign. You can count on the theatrics to be at full blast when you're with a Leo. They are meant to be in the spotlight.
This sign is also very dedicated—once they have their heart set on something, they'll stop at nothing to achieve it. Unsurprisingly, they're also very ambitious. They have big dreams and you better believe they're going to achieve them.
It only make sense that we would recommend Leos to be a pop star for Halloween. You could either decide to dress up as a pop star you admire, or go more generic and pretend you're selling out your own world tour! You can go all out here and even put on a performance for the people you're with on Halloween.
To put together this outfit, you'll need something really bold. We're envisioning an outfit with bright colors and LOADS of glitter. You will also need a microphone (bonus points if you have a microphone that actually works) to really solidify this look. It could also be fun to add some fun colors to your hair (temporary hair paint or extensions would be perfect).
Virgos (born between August 23rd and September 22nd) are known for being very hard-working. They can have a tendency toward perfectionism and can come off as intense sometimes.
However, this Earth sign is often misunderstood. They are also very kind and gentle to the people in their lives. They might be hard on themselves, but they will always be supportive of others. They also tend to think with logic, trusting their heads over their hearts a majority of the time.
Bats, like Virgos, are also very misunderstood. We think a bat would be the perfect costume for this sign! Bats are a symbol of luck and rebirth. They are also much more gentle than people perceive them to be.
To put together this costume, you'll need an all black outfit! Go with whatever makes you comfortable. You'll also want to wear bat wings and bat ears. To really commit to this look, you can wear fangs and the bat element from the Glow in the Dark Halloween Vessel Collection.

Libras (born between September 24th and October 23rd) are massive extroverts. They are energized by being around and talking to people.
Libras also have a tendency towards people pleasing. They find conflict to be uncomfortable and will do whatever it takes to keep the peace. This sign is also intellectual and loves to innovate wherever they can.
With Libra's personality in mind, we came up with a puppy being the perfect costume for the sign! Like a Libra, puppies are very energetic and love being around people. They also do whatever they can to make things better when they're in trouble or when someone is upset. Libras are also loved and adored by so many, just like a puppy!
Like the cat costume, you can get really creative with this idea. You can be any breed of dog you'd like: a chihuahua, a poodle, a pit bull, or even a pug. The key components of this costume will be dog ears and a dog tail. How you design the rest of the costume will be up to you.
Scorpios (born between October 24th and November 22nd) are passionate. They fully commit themselves to whatever project they're working on. Those projects can be really ambitious and require a lot to achieve the end goal.
Scorpios also tend to be drawn to positions of power. They are natural born leaders—the passion they exhibit is what encourages people to follow them. Scorpios are also very intuitive. They make very accurate judgments about people and can easily adapt to the energy of any room they walk into.
We think a witch would be the perfect costume for a Scorpio. Witches are also very intuitive and are heavily influenced by the Earth's energy. Witches share the same passion for their craft that Scorpios do for the things they're involved in.
There are a lot of different ways that you could go with this costume. You could pick a witch that exists in pop culture and base your costume off them (think Elphaba, the Sanderson Sisters) or make your costume from scratch. The important aspects of your costume you absolutely need to have are a witch hat and a broom for flying! You can also wear the Holographic Wicked Witches Hat Element from the Glow in the Dark Halloween Vessel Collection.
Sagittarius (born between November 23rd and December 22nd) is a sign known for thrill-seeking. This sign is always trying to get the absolutely most out of life, which means they'll take risks and go on adventures wherever they can.
In addition to seeking out thrills, this sign is also very easy-going. They are happy to adapt any change of plans that's thrown at them. They are also incredibly honest. If you want to know how someone really feels about an outfit you're unsure of, or if you want honest feedback on a big life change you're thinking of making, a Sagittarius is the friend you should turn to.
With their need for adventure, we thought a cowboy would be the perfect costume for a Sagittarius. Cowboys are known for going on wild adventures and getting the most out of life. It could also be an excuse to ride a mechanical bull if the opportunity presents itself. This costume is also very versatile: you could be a standard cowboy, a space cowboy, or a girly cowboy!
To put this outfit together, you'll need to first decide what type of cowboy you want to be. From there you can build the perfect costume. At the very least, you'll need a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, some kind of vest, and a bandana!

Capricorns (born between December 23rd and January 20th) are mischievous. They tend to have a rebellious side and like to wreak havoc. Sometimes, they can come off as really intense and intimidating.
Capricorns actually have a playful side to them. They won't miss out on opportunities to make last memories. Capricorns are also resilient—they are very capable of healing from difficult times.
Based on their mischief, rebellious nature, and overall intensity, we think a vampire would be the perfect costume for a Capricorn. There are so many vampires in pop culture to draw inspiration from. You could be a traditional, serious vampire, or a funny, quirky vampire.
A lot of this costume will be focused from the neck up. You'll definitely want fangs and fake blood dripping from your mouth. You could also use paler foundation than normal and add gray eyeshadow under your eyes to give the sunken look a vampire has. If you really want to commit to the costume, you could add colored contacts! If you're going for a traditional look, you'll also want to incorporate a cape into the look.
We also think the Halloween Flowers Vessel Element would be the perfect jewelry addition to complete the look.
Aquarius (born between January 21st and February 19th) is an air sign that's known to have an inclination towards activism. An Aquarius is always thinking big picture and piecing together big ideas that have the potential to change the world.
People that fall under this sign are also usually great collaborators. They love to meet with others to share their thoughts and discuss their big ideas. However, underneath their activism and big thoughts is a very sensitive soul. It isn't very hard for an Aquarius to have their feelings hurt. They end to take things personally so it's important to be careful about your word choice when you're with them.
Based on those attributes, we think an angel would be the perfect costume for an Aquarius. Angels are also big thinkers that like to put their minds together to think of ways to change the world. Angels have also been depicted as sensitive and very in tune with their emotions in a variety of cultures.
To put an angel costume together, you'll need an all-white outfit. Go with what makes you comfortable! You could do white pants, a white skirt, a variety of white tops, or even a white coat. You'll also need angel wings and a halo. Like the cupid costume, you could DIY your own halo using an old headband, a stick, and pipe cleaners. You can also incorporate a lot of white glitter and white features with your makeup.
Last, but certainly not least, we have our Pisces (born between February 20th and March 20th). Pisces are very compassionate—they feel deeply and can sometimes be ruled by their emotions.
People who fall under this sign also tend to be very creative. Pisces are big day dreams, which can conjure up a lot of really cool ideas that are translated into their art. This sign is also very kind and gentle. They are usually very nice to strangers and always treat the people they love incredibly well.
Based on those traits, and the fact that they are symbolized by fish, we thought a mermaid would be the best costume for a Pisces. Mermaids, like Pisces, are protective of what they love. Mermaids protect the sea and all their friends under the sea. In our culture, mermaids have also been depicted as compassionate and gentle (think The Little Mermaid).
To become a mermaid for Halloween, you'll want to start with an old pair of fishnet tights. You can make realistic scales by putting fishnets on your face, arms, hands, and body and then brushing eyeshadow over them. Take the fishnets away from your body and you'll be left with scales! You can also find seashells and other nautical-themed elements to glue to your costume to solidify the look. For the outfit itself, you could wear a bathing suit top and a long skirt to make it look like you have a tail! You could also incorporate the shells you put on your outfit into your hair.
Happy Halloween!

We hope these ideas help you decide what to be for Halloween! These are just fun suggestions we came up with based on the personality traits associated with each zodiac sign. You can certainly choose any costume, even if it isn't aligned with your zodiac sign.
We also offer three zodiac-themed designs that you can wear to spark conversation with others about where you drew inspiration for your costume from:
Happy Halloween! We know whatever you decide to be, it will be amazing.
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