A person’s zodiac sign is believed to influence their personality traits, compatibility with others, and their unique strengths to help them conquer their days.
Here at CONQUERing, we are fascinated by all of the factors that make a person who they are. We love looking into the characteristics exhibited by all the signs of the zodiac. All of our designs are influenced by a person's unique personality.
If you're interested in astrology like we are, you probably already know what your star sign is and are looking for more information on how it could influence who you are.
For this post, we will specifically be focusing on Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac. We'll answer questions you might have about the Leo star sign like:
- What are Leo birth dates?
- What kind of person is a Leo?
- What are a Leo's strengths and weaknesses?
- Who is a Leo's soulmate? enemy?
What are Leo Star Sign Birth Dates?
If you're new to astrology, you might not know what your star sign is. To determine what your star sign is, you'll need to know which star sign's date range your birthday falls between.
Leo's birth months are between July and August. If you were born between July 23rd and August 22nd, your star sign is a Leo! This sign is unsurprisingly symbolized by the lion. The lion is a representation of how fierce and brave Leos are. Leo is a fire sign which also helps to explain why many Leos are so vivacious.
Leo is ruled by the sun, which fits perfectly with the fiery nature of the sign. It is the combination of these components that make up Leo’s core that influence the characteristics that a person of this sign might exhibit.
What Kind of Person is a Leo?

There are many personality traits that are associated with Leos and influence the kind of person they are. Some of these traits are seen as strengths while others might been seen as weaknesses.
Some of a Leo's personality traits that are viewed as strengths are:
- Comfort in the spotlight. Leos tend to be really great actors, directors, singers, and public speakers because they love being on stage and in the spot light. They are incredibly confident and want to be seen and heard by their peers.
- Dedicated. Leos are incredibly driven and are very ambitious with their goals. They are great about setting their sights on what they want to accomplish and dedicating their time and energy into achieving them.
- Natural born leaders. This shouldn't come as a shock since Leos don't mind all eyes being on them. However, they also have the personality to back up their need to be in the spotlight. Leos are very brave and easy to trust, making people feel comfortable when following their lead.
Leos have so many great personality traits that we admire. There are, however, some traits that can be seen as weaknesses. Leos weaknesses are:
- Dramatic. Being in the spotlight and wanting attention can also lead to Leos being overdramatic at times. This trait had led people to call them 'divas' in the past.
- Stubborn. Their dedication and ambition allows them to accomplish all of their goals. However, it can be hard to get a Leo to stray from what they have their sights on, which has led people to label them as stubborn.
- Egotistical. Since Leos prefer to be the center of attention and like to be in the spotlight, it can be incredibly damaging to their egos when they feel like they are being upstages. They tend to be threatened easily by others that try to steal their spotlight.
A Leo's strengths and weaknesses also influence which star signs they are compatible and incompatible with.
Who is a Leo's Soulmate and Enemy?
All twelve star signs have distinct personality traits that influence which sings they mesh well with and which signs they clash with.
Soulmates. People whose star sign is Aries are incredibly compatible with Leos. Both are fire signs and are dedicated to make their dreams a reality. The laser-focus on accomplishing goals is a trait both signs share—this means that neither gets upset when its hard to get one another to stray from the path they're on.
Enemies. Enemies might be a strong word, but Scorpios tend to clash with Leos. Both star signs are strong-willed and fight to lead one another. This can lead to some intense power struggles and general bad blood between the signs.
What Fidget Jewelry Should a Leo Wear?
Based on a Leo's personality traits, we hand selected the below designs that we think truly represent the Leo star sign:
- Leo symbol. The most obvious choice of fidget jewelry for a Leo is the lion or the Leo constellation.
- FEAR LESS. The FEAR LESS Element represents the bravery that Leos exhibit. They won't let their fears get in the way of reaching their goals.
- Sun symbol. The Sun Symbol Element made a lot of sense for the star sign since the celestial body that governs Leos is the sun. Leos also feel a strong desire to shine as bright as the sun with any opportunity they're presented.
- INSPIRE. The INSPIRE Element is designed to remind those who wear it to lead by example and lift others up. Leos are natural born leaders and are easy to trust. They are the perfect star sign to be inspiring others.
- Rose Quartz. Finally, we chose one of our crystals that we think aligns really well with Leos. The Rose Quartz Crystal Element is associated with rationality, honesty, intelligence, truthfulness, and clarity. All are traits we see in the Leo star sign.
Leo Star Sign
We adore the traits that a Leo exhibits. Even if your birthday doesn’t fall within the range to make you a Leo, that doesn’t mean you can’t find moments in the spotlight and follow your ambitions.
Take a lesson from your Leo friends and be brave. Don’t let your fears stand in the way of reaching your goals and sharing your voice.
Check out the rest of our zodiac posts to find your zodiac sign and see what designs we recommend for you.
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