Welcome to our first CONQUERing collaboration!
Our business has blossomed and grown so much further than any of us imagined and that's all because of our fabulous CONQUERing community. This year, we decided we want to start incorporating your ideas and opinions into our blog!
Every month, we ask our community a question related to the topic of one of our blog posts. Sometimes it will be on social media, sometimes we'll ask a question in our Facebook group, and other times we'll get your direct feedback through our weekly emails.
This month, we are focusing on how to start the year on the right foot. We will share some of our advice and then turn the mic over to our CONQUERing community to share your advice!
New Year's Resolutions vs Goals
Everyone has different views on New Year's resolutions. Some people make a dedicated effort to stick to their resolutions all year. Some people jump ship before January is even over. You might even be in the camp of people that decide not to set resolutions at all.
Sure, resolutions can be a great way to start the year off on the right foot. If making resolutions works for you, then continue with that as your method for starting the year off strong.
However, if resolutions never seem to stick for you, there are other things you can try. We think goal-setting is a great way to start your year off on the right foot.
How to Set New Year's Goals
Goals and resolutions are very similar—we recognize that. However, goals give you the flexibility to achieve what you want and to amend as life throws you in different directions.
We recommend setting short-term goals to start your year off right. You can have an overarching long-term goal and then set shorter goals to achieve it.
For example, say your long-term goal is to save money. You can set shorter goals to start developing habits that will ultimately save you money. The first short-term goal could be to commit to making coffee at home instead of going to a coffee shop. Once you start making that a habit, then you can set another short-term goal to only eat out one-two days a week.
Making shorter goals is a great way to start developing new habits and makes achieving your long-term goals less daunting.
Start the Year With a Fresh Mindset
In addition to setting goals for the year, it's also important to do some reflective work and leave anything that bothered you behind in the previous year.
Starting the year off with a fresh, positive mindset can make a world of difference for how your year turns out. If you go into the year deciding that it's going to be bad, it's likely going to end up being a bad year.
Here are a few things we recommend when reflecting and resetting your mind:
- Reflect in a journal. At the beginning of the year, reflect on the previous year and write it in a journal. Think about the high and low moments. Look at the things you could control that you wish would have turned out differently. Write down grudges you might still be holding or negative feelings you could be bringing into the year that you'd like to let go of.
- Declutter. Another great way to start the year off right is to declutter. This can mean decluttering your physical space by getting rid of things you don't need and coming up with an organization system. This could mean decluttering your electronic devices by deleting unnecessary pictures, texts, emails, etc from the previous year. This can also mean decluttering your mind to let go of negative feelings and anxieties that were caused from the previous year.
- Make a list of things that excite you. One way to start thinking about the year ahead of you in a positive light is to think of what you have planned that excites you. You'll have a birthday, maybe you already have a fun vacation planned, or you're going to see your favorite artist in concert. Write down all the things you're looking forward to and start getting excited to tackle the year ahead.
- Be kind to yourself. We've never totally loved the "New Year, New Me" phrase. We are all human and have our imperfections. It's not totally healthy to go into a new year and think you're going to change everything about yourself and become a "new you." Instead, be kind to yourself. There were probably moments in the previous year where you weren't happy with how you acted. Recognize that these things happen and you are extraordinary as your current self. Reflect on the moments that made you want to be a "new you" and then think of all the wonderful traits you currently have.
It may sound cheesy, but you truly hold the power to determine how good your year will actually be.
How Do YOU Start the New Year Right?

We've said our piece. Now, we're going to turn the blog over to you! Keep reading to hear from members of the CONQUERing community as they share how they start the new year right.
We asked the community for their advice on starting the new year right in our CONQUERing Collective Facebook group:
"Let go of whatever you think you failed in 2024. It's baggage. Start with a clean slate. And write a list of what you will NOT do in 2025 that could distract you from your goals"—Tara F.
"I just try my best to take it one day at a time, one click at a time" —Shannon G.
We loved this piece of advice! It's so important to think about what you might be carrying into the new year and letting go of it to start with a fresh slate.
We also found some common themes with the advice that was shared.
Making Connections
A few of you talked about the importance of spending time with the people you love and focusing on connections that matter to you:
"Taking time to connect with friends & family in ways that are relaxing & fun, is really important"—Mary W.
"I'm making it a priority to be more present with my loved ones and more mindful of the little bits of happiness around me"—Brandy W.
Practicing Gratitude and Creating Joy
We also saw a few people sharing that they are making an effort to practice gratitude and find joy in each and every day.
"Practice Daily Gratitude—no matter how bad you feel your day is going take time out to appreciate all the good in life"—Kana D.
"My resolution this year was to find more joy...I fully intend to create more joy in my life"—Vanessa M.
We are so inspired by your stories and the advice you shared for how to start the year off on the right foot. We're definitely going to be taking a page from your books and applying these goals to our year.
Make Your Own New Year's Goals
We hope that our advice, and the wonderful advice from our CONQUERing community have inspired you to set your own New Year's goals and to do what it takes to start the year on the right foot.
A huge thank you to our CONQUERing Facebook group members that contributed to this post!
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