Butter Jade Oval-Shaped Fidget Ring

Find Inner Peace With Butter Jade

Person laying on bed wearing glitter fidget rings

Butter Jade, also known as Butterstone, appears as a warm, buttery yellow-green.

This crystal has its own healing properties, associations, and chakra alignments that can help you determine if it's the right crystal for you. 

This post is meant to provide you with all the ins and outs of your new Butter Jade Crystal Element. If you are just beginning your crystal healing journey, we have a beginner's guide to help you learn more about the practice. 

Feel Emotionally Balance

Many believe that Butter Jade radiates a calm, tranquil energy. This energy can be used to balance one's emotions and promote overall harmony. This crystal is also appreciated for its ability to attract good luck. 

Overall, Butter Jade is typically used for reaching inner peace and helping to calm the person using it for healing. If you are going through a period of change that has left you feeling off-balance and out-of-touch, consider using Butter Jade in your healing practice to stabilize your emotions. 

Many believe that this stone can also increase compassion in a person. It is revered for being an incredible tool to incorporating empathy into one's daily life. This can be especially helpful if you work in a position of leadership where you manage people. 

Butter Jade is associated with: 

  • Calmness
  • Balance
  • Inner Peace
  • Good Luck
  • Compassion

It's important to think about what a crystal is associated with when you begin your healing journey. You'll set intentions for what you want the outcome of your practice to be—many people use a crystal's associations to build their intentions. If the descriptions and associations we discussed resonate with what you're hoping to gain from crystal healing, Butter Jade is likely the right crystal for you. 

Butter Jade is primarily aligned with the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is believed to control our self-esteem. When the solar plexus chakra is out of alignment, you might be feeling insecure in your identity. It is believed that Butter Jade can help bring this chakra into alignment, leaving you feeling sure of who you are. 

Cleanse Your Butter Jade Crystal

The practice of crystal healing is heavily reliant on energy—from you, the crystal, and your surrounding environment. The first step to using any crystal for healing purposes is to cleanse if of negative energy. 

From the time the element leaves our facility to reaching your doorstep, it could have come into contact with negative energy. Don't worry! There are plenty of different methods you can use to cleanse your crystal. We have a few suggested methods below that are believed to be effective on Butter Jade. 

The first method we recommend for getting rid of negative energies is rinsing your Butter Jade element under lukewarm running water. Water from the tap will work just fine for this! Leave your element under the running tap for a few minutes and your crystal will be good to go. Make sure that you completely dry the element before beginning your practice. You can either let it air dry or dry it off with a soft, clean cloth. 

The second method we recommend for cleansing your crystal is charging it with natural light. You have two options for Butter Jade: you can either use light from the sun or light from the moon. If you choose to charge your crystal with the sun, make sure you aren't leaving it in direct sunlight for multiple hours—this can affect the color of your crystal. If you choose to charge it in the moonlight, leave it out overnight and try to use a full moon. 

The final method you can try for cleansing is using Selenite to absorb negative energies. Selenite is another crystal that is revered for its ability to positively charge other crystals. We offer three different Selenite charging plates that you can use to charge any of your crystals: 

  1. Tree of Life Selenite Charging Plate
  2. Chakra Selenite Charging Plate
  3. Zodiac Selenite Charging Plate

If you wear your Butter Jade element regularly, you'll want to use any of the above methods (or an external method you've found to be successful) every few weeks to recharge your crystal with positive energy. You will encounter negative energy if you wear your element frequently, so it's important you regularly cleanse your crystal. 

Learn to Heal With Butter Jade

Person sitting on a leather couch reading a book wearing fidget ring

Once you've cleansed your crystal element, it's time to begin your healing journey! The beginning steps for crystal healing are relatively the same regardless of what crystal you're using. It begins internally—you need to think about what doubts and skepticisms you're harboring regarding crystal healing. There may be a part of you that doesn't think crystal healing will work. It's okay to have these hesitancies, however, you'll want to do your best to work through them to have the most effective healing journey. 

Once you have an open mind about the practice, it's time to start thinking about the intentions we discussed earlier in this post. There's a reason you want to try crystal healing and you chose Butter Jade because its associations aligned with your desired outcome of your healing. Return to those associations and build your intention from there. You want it to be specific and outcome-oriented. For Butter Jade, you might consider setting an intention to maintain a feeling of calmness as you enter a particularly frustrating time. 

After you decide on your intention, write it down somewhere. Writing it down helps you remember it and came make it feel more tangible. Then, take your crystal element in your hands, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Speak your intention into your hands and commit it to memory. Repeat the intention a few times so it really sticks. When you wear your Butter Jade element, think about your intention and how you can achieve it. Make decisions that align with your intention in your daily life. 

As you continue on with life, you might decide that you've achieved what you intended to with healing, or that your intention is no longer relevant. That's completely normal! Return back to what Butter Jade is associated with and think of a new intention. Make sure to cleanse your crystal first so you're starting fresh. Repeat the above steps to set your new intention! 

Become the Best Version of You

You now have everything you need to begin your healing journey with Butter Jade! You are on your way to becoming the best version of you—Butter Jade is believed to help promote your calm and compassionate qualities. 

If you are pleased with the outcome of your crystal healing with Butter Jade, we have more crystals that you can explore that have different associations. Check out our full crystal collection for more options!

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