7 Chakras Guide

The 7 Chakras for Beginners

Crystals charging on charging plate

Chakras have been defined as energy points in our bodies that control our emotional and physical well-being. 

There are seven that have been identified, each aligned with a different part of our body. This post is designed to teach you about the seven chakras and share how they interact with crystals. 


What are the Seven Chakras?

The seven chakras only recently made it into our mainstream dialogue with the rise in popularity of yoga and New Age medicine. 

It is believed that there are hundreds of chakras in the body, however, only seven are typically referred to. These seven run along the spine and are considered the main chakras in the body. They are:

  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Throat Chakra
  6. The Third Eye Chakra
  7. The Crown Chakra

Where Do Chakras Come From?

Even though they are a newer concept to many, chakras actually date back to ancient times. They originated in India and are a deep, complex energy system. They were first found in the oldest text called the Vedas. 

According to Healthline, 'chakra' is a sanskrit word that means wheel. In ancient times, it was believed that the chakras are wheels of energy and should remain open and aligned since they are attached to major organs and energetic points in our bodies.

The chakra system was considered an Eastern philosophy until New Age thinkers began writing about them. Now, many people who regularly practice yoga or crystal healing are very familiar with the concept. 

How Do I Know if my Chakras are Blocked?

As we mentioned above, you want your chakras to remain opened. When your chakras remain open, your emotional and physical beings are balanced. You'll likely feel healthy and happy when all seven chakras are open. 

When one, or all seven, chakras are blocked you'll likely not feel like yourself. Depending on which chakra is blocked can determine how you might be feeling off. You'll know when one is blocked when you feel sick, upset, low energy, etc. 

As we explain what each chakra is, we'll share what you might be feeling if it's blocked. 

What is the Root Chakra?

Person outside smiling, wearing crystal anxiety jewelry

All chakras have a location in the body and colors they are associated with. Crystals are also associated with different chakras and are believed to help open then when they are blocked.

The root chakra is located in the tailbone. It is associated with the colors red, black, and gray.  

This chakra is associated with physical identity. The root chakra is what makes us feel stable and grounded to the earth. 


How Do I Know if the Root Chakra is Blocked?

When the root chakra is blocked, you likely will be feeling unsure of who you are. It could be a simple as not feeling like yourself. It could also be more complex and feel like you're struggling with your identity. 

Simply feeling unbalanced or ungrounded are also signs that your root chakra is blocked. 

There are many different methods you can try to open the root chakra:

  • Connect with the Earth. Since the root chakra deals with feeling grounded, reconnecting with the earth can help with blocking. Walking outside or gardening are believed to help open the root chakra
  • Practice Yoga. Yoga can help with any chakra blockages. It's recommended for a root chakra that you try child's pose, a dangling pose, and a chair pose. 
  • Stretch your feet. Our feet are a physical way that we can feel grounded. It's suggested that you roll your feet and ankles out with a tennis ball. This is believed to open the connection between your feet and the root to make you feel more grounded.
  • Meditation. Meditation is another method that can help with any chakra blocking. It is suggested that you incorporate crystals into your meditation practice to help open the root chakra. 

Root Chakra Crystals

Crystals are believed to be a strong tool to help open a chakra. There are certain crystals that you should bring into a healing or meditative practice that are aligned with the root chakra. 

We recommend these crystals for healing a root chakra blockage: 

What is the Meaning of the Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is located around the belly button. It is associated with the colors orange and brown.

This chakra is associated with self-worth. The sacral chakra also is what controls our creativity and our sexuality. 

How Do I Know if my Sacral Chakra is Blocked?

When the sacral chakra is blocked, you're likely going to have low feelings of self-worth. You also might be finding yourself questioning your sexuality a lot. It can also leave you feeling a lack of creativity.

You might be struggling to find inspiration and feeling like you can't do anything right. 

There are a few methods you can try to unblock the sacral chakra:

  • Say affirmations. Our sacral chakra controls our feelings of self-worth. Saying affirmations in the mirror focused on your worth is recommended for opening this chakra. We recommend trying, "I am enough", "I am worthy", "I deserve good things". 
  • Practice Yoga. For the sacral chakra, it's suggested you try specific poses to open the sacral chakra. Consider planning your practice to include a warrior pose, a sun salutation, or a lotus pose. 
  • Reflection. Taking time out of your day to reflect can help open the sacral chakra. Reflect on your feelings, especially feelings of questioning sexuality or lack of creativity. Think about different times of your day when you felt like those feelings were heightened. Reflect on how that feels and what you might do to resolve those feelings. 
  • Meditation. As with all chakra blockages, meditating is one method you can try to open the sacral chakra. Incorporate the below crystals into your meditation to heal the blockage. 

Sacral Chakra Crystals

Crystals that are believed to realign this chakra promote high feelings of self-worth, spark your creativity, and help you feel secure in your sexuality.

You might notice some repeats in recommended crystals between chakras. That's okay! Some crystals are aligned with a couple chakras based on their associations and healing properties. 

We recommend incorporating these crystals into your healing practices:

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra Responsible For?

The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach. It is associated with the colors yellow and gold.

This chakra is associated with self-esteem. It is what makes us feel like we have control over our lives and determines our levels of confidence. 

What Happens When the Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked?

When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, you likely will feel like you don't have any power over your life. Like everything is out of your control and it's going to take a lot to get back on track. 

You might also be feeling like you have low self-esteem and confidence when the solar plexus chakra is locked. 

There are a few things you can try to remove a solar plexus chakra blockage:

  • Sunlight exposure. The solar plexus chakra is associated with fire. This means that the sun can be a method you try for healing a blockage. When you can, spend time outside under the sun when you feel like your solar plexus chakra is locked. 
  • Belly breathing. Since the solar plexus chakra is located near your belly button, belly breathing can be an effective method to healing a blockage. To practice belly breathing, lay down with your head and knees propped up. Put a hand on your chest and a hand on your belly. Take a deep breath through your nose and make every effort for the hand on you belly to rise, while the hand on your chest stays still. 
  • Say affirmations. Affirmations can also be effective for removing a solar plexus chakra blockage since its associated with self-esteem. We recommend saying, "I am confident", "I am in control", "I trust myself to make decisions" into a mirror over and over again. 
  • Meditation. When you meditate, visualize a bright yellow light in your naval area. Incorporate the below crystals into your meditation as well. 

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals

Crystals that can realign the solar plexus chakra can increase levels of self-esteem, make us feel like we have full power over our lives, and leave us feeling extremely confident.

We recommend trying these crystals when you're healing the solar plexus:

What is the Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. It is associated with the colors green and pink.

This chakra is associated with love. It controls how connected we feel to ourselves and to others. It determines how supported we feel and how easily we can accept love. 


What Heals the Heart Chakra?

When the heart chakra is blocked, we are believed to feel a lack of connection with those we are around, we might feel lonely or isolated, and we might feel like we are struggling to accept love. 

When your heart chakra needs healing, you might be feeling like you aren't worthy of love. You likely are struggling to love yourself and are closing yourself off to others. 

There are ways to heal the heart chakra of a blockage. We recommend you try these methods for healing: 

  • Keep a gratitude journal. One way to heal a heart chakra blockage and open yourself up to the world is to keep a gratitude journal. Set aside 10-15 minutes at the start or end of your day to reflect on what you're grateful for. Thinking of the good in the world can help reframe your mindset and open you up to others. 
  • Use essential oils. Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool to clearing a chakra blockage. For the heart chakra, it is recommended you use essential oils like rose and lavender. Place your essential oils on pulse points to help clear the blockage.
  • Yoga. When deciding the sequence of poses you'll do for your practice, consider incorporating cobra pose, child's pose, bridge pose, or camel pose. 
  • Meditation. Meditate when you feel a heart chakra blockage. Incorporate the below crystals into your meditation.

Heart Chakra Crystals

Crystals that are thought to realign the heart chakra can make us feel incredibly receptive to experiencing love, can help us show more compassion towards others, and help us establish strong connections with those around us.

We recommend using these crystals in your practice to heal the heart chakra:

What is the Meaning of the Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is located in the throat. It is associated with the colors blue, turquoise, and teal.

This chakra is associated with our ability to communicate. The throat chakra influences how well we can articulate our thoughts and clearly communicate with people. It also can determine how well we actively listen to the people that are talking to us. 

How Do I Know if my Throat Chakra is Blocked?

When it is out of balance, you might struggle with public speaking or feel like you can't effectively communicate your thoughts. You likely are causing confusion with the people you talk to and feel like no one is understanding what you're saying. 

On the other hand, you also probably struggle to actively listen to those you talk to. You might leave every conversation forgetting what you talked about or get accused of your mind wandering when you're talking to people. 

There are things you can try to clear a throat chakra blockage. We recommend the below to heal this chakra:

  • Stretch your neck. Since this chakra is located in the throat, doing neck stretches can help loosen a blockage. This can also be a preventative practice to avoid a throat chakra blockage. Take a few minutes out of your day to roll your neck clockwise and counterclockwise. Look up and down as well a few times to really stretch the neck muscles. 
  • Improve your posture. Keeping your neck inline with your spine can be incredibly effective in keeping the throat chakra open. This goes along with improving your posture. When you are sitting and standing, make an effort to keep your neck inline with your spine. When exercising focus on your posture to help build the muscles necessary to keep your neck aligned with your spine.
  • Practice yoga. As you build your practice, consider incorporating a bridge pose, a cobra pose, or a reclined hero pose. 
  • Meditation. Meditate when you feel like your throat chakra is blocked. When you meditate, consider incorporating the below crystals into your practice. 

Throat Chakra Crystals

Crystals that are capable of realigning this chakra leave us feeling comfortable with public speaking, offer clarity of our thoughts to help us clearly communicate to others, and might make it easier to actively listen to others.

Try using these crystals to heal a throat chakra blockage:

What Does the Third Eye Chakra Do?

The third eye chakra is located in between your eyes on the forehead. It is associated with the color indigo.

This chakra is associated with our intuition. It influences our ability to focus and see bigger pictures. It is believed to help with decision-making and using our imagination to the fullest extent. 

How Do I Open my Third Eye Chakra?

When your third eye chakra is blocked, you might struggle to listen to your gut feelings. You probably will ignore or completely won't feel any red flags or warning signs your body is giving you when you're in a sticky situation.

You probably also have a hard time focusing, and are stuck with tunnel vision when going about your daily life.  

There are a few things you can try to unlock your third eye chakra when it's blocked. We suggest trying these methods to opening your third eye: 

  • Release negative energy. Harboring negative energy can be a reason that your third eye chakra is blocked. That can especially be what's contributing to your inability to see the bigger picture. When you find yourself harboring feelings of resenting or holding onto grudges, think about what is still bothering you and work through what you need to do to let go. 
  • Improve your diet. What we eat can actually help heal a chakra blockage. The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo, so eating blue and purple foods like blueberries, grapes, and eggplant can help unlock your third eye chakra.
  • Yoga. You can try using various yoga poses to help heal a blockage. For the third eye chakra, we recommend trying child's pose, downward dog, or lotus pose. 
  • Meditation. Meditating when you feel like your third eye is blocked is usually a good idea to releasing a blockage. We recommend incorporating the below crystals in your meditation to help with the healing process. 

Third Eye Chakra Crystals

Crystals that can realign this chakra can make us strongly in tune with our intuition, help us use our imaginations to our fullest extent, and provide visibility to the bigger picture when we are trying to make decisions.

Crystals aligned with the third eye chakra that we suggest incorporating into your healing practices are: 

What is the Crown Chakra?

Finally, the seventh chakra is the crown chakra. It is located at the top of our heads. It is associated with the colors violet, purple, clear, and white.

This chakra is associated with our awareness. It influences our levels of intelligence and our feelings of enlightenment. It is believed that the crown chakra also helps us realize what our life's purpose is. 

What Does a Crown Chakra Blockage Mean?

When there is a blockage in the crown chakra, you might be struggling with your intelligence and feeling like you don't have a life's purpose. 

You also might feel like you'll never reach enlightenment and that you need to focus solely on survival instead. 

There are a few things you can try when your crown chakra is blocked to open it. We recommend trying one of the below methods to heal the crown chakra:

  • Connect with greater powers. The crown chakra deals with aspects of ourselves that go beyond the self. Spirituality is something that can help us connect with our greater purpose and reach feelings of enlightenment. This could be turning to a religion you practice and praying to the higher power associated. If you aren't religious, it can be as simple as tuning into the earth's energy. 
  • Challenge your beliefs. When we get set in our ways and close our minds off, it can cause a crown chakra blockage. Keep your mind open and continuously challenge your current beliefs. This doesn't mean you have to fully change what you believe in. It could instead mean expanding your beliefs to include other things or recognize that they might not always apply to your current situation. 
  • Yoga. Before you begin your practice, map out a sequence of poses that help open the crown chakra. We recommend incorporating tree pose, fish pose, and if you're really advanced, a headstand or handstand pose. 
  • Meditation. As with the other six chakras, we recommend meditating when you feel the crown chakra is blocked. For this chakra, we suggest incorporating the below crystals into your meditation. 

Crown Chakra Crystals

Crystals that can help realign this chakra help us feel a strong sense of intelligence, can connect us to our life’s purpose, and might make us believe that we can experience enlightenment.

These are the crystals that are aligned with the crown chakra:

Unlock the Seven Chakras

Now you know what the seven chakras are! When all seven are unlocked, you'll be the best version of yourself. You'll feel physically strong, emotionally stable, and mentally secure. 

Crystals Chakra Poster

For more information about how crystals and the seven chakras align, check out this page!

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