Zebra jasper is a black/dark brown-and-white-striped crystal. It gets its name from having the same color pattern as a zebra.
This stone has its own properties, associations, and chakra alignments that can help you decide if it's the right crystal for you to incorporate into your healing practice.
This post is focused solely on educating you on your new zebra jasper crystal element. If you are looking for a general guide on crystal healing, check out this blog post.
Ignite Passion with Zebra Jasper
Zebra jasper is known as a stone of optimism. It is believed to encourage the person using it to appreciate the beauty of the world and to live life like there's no tomorrow. This stone also promotes living in the moment.
This crystal is also appreciated for its ability to spark creativity. Many people have also used zebra jasper to ignite their imagination and get our of creative slumps. It also is believed to discourage laziness—this quality has the potential to help you meet a deadline or accomplish everything on your to-do list.
Zebra jasper is also revered for offering clarity to how you view the world. It can help you stop and think about how your actions will affect those around you.
If you are someone that feels really overwhelmed with work or are overstimulated by the fast-paced nature of the world, zebra jasper could be a very powerful crystal to incorporate in your healing practice.
Zebra jasper is associated with:
- Passion
- Optimism
- Zest for life
- Imagination
If the above qualities and associations resonate with you, it could be a sign that zebra jasper is the right crystal for you. Crystal healing is all about intentions and setting goals to accomplish with your practice. This is why it's vital that you're incorporating stones in your practice that align with those goals and intensions.
Zebra jasper is also believed to be aligned with the root chakra. The root chakra is what influences our physical identity. When it's out of alignment, you might be feeling particularly insecure or unstable in your identity. Many have used zebra jasper to realign the root chakra, leaving you feeling sure of who you are.
Prepare Your Stone For Healing
The practice of crystal healing is heavily dependent on energy. The energy you exude, the energy in your surrounding environment, and the energy your crystal puts out. While it's harder to control the energy in your surrounding environment, you can control the energy you exude and the energy your crystal puts out.
When your zebra jasper crystal element arrives at your door, the first thing you'll want to do is cleanse it of any negative energy it might be putting out. It's possible that your crystal came into contact with negative energy during its journey from our facility to your home. That's completely natural and to be expected! You can engage in one of the below cleansing methods to get rid of negative energy and prep your stone for your practice.
The first cleansing method we recommend for crystal healing is washing your stone with warm, soapy water and a soft, clean cloth. Using water from the tap is completely fine for this. You'll want to rinse your crystal on the water for a minute or two to really get rid of any negativity surrounding it. Once you've finished rinsing it, make sure it's completely dry before you start your healing practice. You can either let it air dry or dry it with a clean cloth.
The second cleansing method we recommend for zebra jasper is burying it on the ground. Zebra jasper is an earth crystal, meaning it came from the earth and responds positively when returned to the earth. You can either do this in soil outside your home or in a potted plant in your home. Leave the crystal in the soil for roughly 24-hours before you dig it up. You'll also want to rinse off any dirt on your crystal before using it in your practice.
The final cleansing method we recommend for this crystal is burying it in a glass bowl filled with sea salt. This can just be the sea salt that you buy at the store and a glass bowl you own at home. A couple of hours should be enough time for the sea salt to soak up negative energy from your zebra jasper element.
It's important to engage in one of the above methods every month or so to get rid of any negative energy your crystal encounters through daily use. You don't have to use the same method you used the first time! Do whatever is most convenient for you.
Begin Your Healing Practice

Now that you've cleansed any negative energy from your zebra jasper, it's time to begin your healing practice! The first thing you need to do to begin your practice is to let go of any doubts or hesitancies you might have about crystal healing. It's okay to be a little skeptical going into this, especially if it's your first time, but those skepticisms can end up holding you back in your practice.
Once you've let go of your doubts, you can begin the intention-setting process. As we mentioned earlier in this post, intentions and goals are an integral part of crystal healing. Essentially, you'll want to decide what you hope the outcome of your practice will be. Your intention should be specific and related to the properties and associations we listed above. For zebra jasper, you might consider setting an intention to live everyday with purpose or an intention to reignite your passion and put you in touch with your imagination.
When you wear your zebra jasper element, keep your intention in mind. Remember what change you wanted to make in your life at the beginning of your practice. Make decisions in your daily life that align with that intention.
As life goes on, you might decide that you've accomplished what you set out to, or that your intention is no longer relevant. If that's the case for you, you can easily set a new intention with your crystal. All you'll need to do is use one of the cleansing methods we listed above and repeat the intention-setting process with your new goal.
Use Your Imagination with Zebra Jasper
You are now ready to begin your healing practice with zebra jasper! We hope you are able to feel inspired to create, or to truly immerse yourself in your everyday life.
For more possibilities with crystal healing, check out our full crystal collection to see the other crystals you can incorporate into your healing practice!
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